Dead Pony Club — Rock on Beer Blog

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Dead Pony Club

Dead Pony Club


Brewdog Dead Pony Club Brewery: Brewdog

Type: American Pale Ale

Alcohol: 3.8%

Country: Scotland

Went to the store for some beloved punk IPA, instead I found a shelf full of these guys. Dead Pony Club? What kind of name is that for a beer? Well it looks like Brewdog is trying to make a session ale with a big taste. I don't really drink a lot of session strength beers to tell you the truth. Most of the beers I like are huge IPAs with A big ABV to help balance out a lot of IBUs (enough jargon for you?). So I am interested to see if I can find a session ale that can still satisfy my need for massive hops and flavor in a beer.

Pours a nice dark straw color with a huge fluffy white head. Sticks around and gives off a great smell. The smell is what this beer is all about. Huge west coast hoppy smell, tropical fruit and citrus combine with a touch of malt to make a truly incredible aroma. I mean the smell just begs you to take a big sip of this beer. I was actually quite amazed at the taste of this beer. I figured a lower alcohol beer like this would be a bit watery and bland. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There are huge fruity notes from the hops and nice toffee from the malt. The taste is so thick you can almost chew it. There is a nice piney bitterness in the finish. This is an insanely refreshing beer, I can see myself wanting to have this at my side while grilling in the summer. I really hope they keep this around in the stores as I can see me and dead pony club having a long future together.

Yellow Snow IPA

Yellow Snow IPA

