Grain to Glass: Falconers Flight BIAB — Rock on Beer Blog

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Grain to Glass: Falconers Flight BIAB

Grain to Glass: Falconers Flight BIAB

I decided to do a little double experiment with a small BIAB batch of beer. I got a 100 gram package of falconers flight, a hop blend of all the popular American C hops (cascade, centennial, citra, chinook, columbus, etc.). So a single hop IPA with a very basic grain bill seemed a great way to try this hop out. I have also been looking to see how much efficiency I could gain in my BIAB process by milling the grain to a finer crush. I also happened to film a good bit of the brew day. So in the video below I will not only be taking this IPA from grain to glass, with a short review at the end, but also explaining BIAB brewing a bit. Hope you enjoy. (recipe below)


89% Pilsner

8% Castle Cara Blond

3% corn sugar (dextrose)

14 g herkules @ 60 min or bitter to about 40 IBU

14 g Falconers flight @ 10 min

14 g falconers flight @ 5 min

30 g falconers flight @ 0

32 g dry hop for 7 days

Single infusion mash at 66 C for 60 minutes

Had a lot of troubles with the electric pot shorting and reseting the temperature as well as foregoing my usual hop management procedures. This ended with a lot of trub in the fermenter which probably did not help this beer out any. I did however achieve a higher efficiency (ca. 75%) then I did on my last batch. I ended with a final gravity of 1.010 down from 1.068. So this is a dangerously drinkable IPA that is super crisp. You can see more tasting notes and my cat stealing my thunder in the video above.



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