Beer Coaster Archeology in Brewhouse — Rock on Beer Blog

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Beer Coaster Archeology in Brewhouse

Beer Coaster Archeology in Brewhouse

There is a lot of work that comes with a new house. Though sometimes you find some hidden treasure along the way. I don’t know who owned my house before me (we bought it from the bank), but I do know we shared some interests. He built a bar in one of the propertie's outbuildings, which I am currently turning into a brewhouse. He also seems to have been a collector of beer coasters, which I also happen to collect.

I made a little video going through the collection I uncovered while cleaning up a bit. A few things I found exciting but mostly just average big brand beer coasters. I like to think though that maybe they were collected, like mine, throughout the previous owners travels while enjoying a good beer. Cheers to him and I hope you enjoy the vid.

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