Reparationsbajer — Rock on Beer Blog

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To Øl Reparationsbajer

Brewery: To Øl

Type: American Pale Ale

Alcohol: 5.8%

Country: Denmark

I will be honest, I did have a bunch of beers last night, but I am not exactly hungover. Regardless of my current state, my usual go to hangover cure is a nice Pale Ale the next day to take the edge off. I guess I am not alone, because To Øl have made a pale ale specifically for hangovers! Reparationsbajer, or "recovery beer" in English, is what they call the perfect pale ale for curing that bad case of wishing you were dead and feeling like you may have been at some point in the night. Let's see how it works on my mild case of just a few drops too many.

Pours a pretty deep orange color, decent amount of haze. Nice one to one and a half finger just slightly offwhite head. Pretty standard pale ale smell, little bit on the hoppier side. Floral hop, hint of citrus and a decent malty sweetness. The taste is balance between malt and hop, maybe a little more malt then hops. Pine and grapefruit hops give way to a malty slightly bready touch of caramel flavor. There is a pretty decent bitter finish to this beer, about the perfect bitterness for a pale ale in my opinion. Pretty big body, medium carb. This beer is crazy refreshing. It also clocks in at a not too shabby 5.8% alcohol, so certainly gonna round out that headache. If I had a cooler full of these on a hot day, I would need a reparationsbajer for my raparationsbajer.


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