Hipster Ale

Hipster Ale


Evil Twin Hipster Ale

Brewery: Evil Twin

Type: American pale Ale

Alcohol: 5.5%

Country: Denmark

This has been a curiosity beer for me for quite some time. I saw it once in a shop in my area, but didn't buy it. Not the biggest fan of "hipster" stuff so I guess the name must have biased me. But I have heard it is quite a good APA, and I am interested in the new canned craft movement. So when I saw a can cheap in Copenhagen I thought what better time to buy once of these. Now this is the "worldwide hipster" version, made for those who live in a city not cool enough to have a special production run named after a neighborhood. But don't get your skinny jeans in a bunch, I bought it in Istedgade Copenhagen so it is legit. I plan to drink half from my glass, and the other half from the can while stroking my beard and thinking about artisanal bacon scented organic mustache wax.

Pours a very clear yellowish orange color, very bubbly. Nice big lasting white head. Really good retention. Aroma from the glass is grassy and a bit of bright grapefruit citrus. Nose off the can…aluminum, and grassy like PBR on a summer evening. The taste from my tiny pint glass is sweet caramel and malt right up front. Hops are floral and grassy with a bit of fruitiness sneaking in. Bitterness is reasonably high for a normal APA. Mouthfeel is light to medium with about a normal amount of carbonation for this style. Taste from the can is muddled, a lot less hop taste and a lot more pretention. Ok I may have given it a hard time over the name, but it is actually a pretty decent APA. Slightly more malt forward then I usually like (although may be from age). It did however vibrate my bitter bone (phrasing), so I did like that. A fine beer, and actually relatively cheap for a craft ale in Denmark. If this was more readily available in my area I could see myself drinking it on a nice day while rolling my eyes at people and listening to hair metal ironically.

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