Yellow Snow IPA

Yellow Snow IPA


Rogue Yellow Snow IPA Brewery: Rogue

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 6.2%

Country: USA

The snow is finally gone here, so it is time to make this beer gone too. Pours out a very clear straw yellow color with a so so head that drops off pretty quick. A lot of malt on the nose, pretty sweet. Hops are not really there, this is a relatively old bottle so the smell could be diminished due to age. There is a big malty taste to this beer (also could be the age). Decent hop bitterness but not a lot of taste aside from a hint of grapefruit and other citrus. I am not the biggest fan of Rogue to tell you the truth. I think a lot of their beers are overrated. This one strongly included. It is an average IPA with a clever name and a nice label. I guess I will reserve my judgement a bit until I have had a fresher bottle, but I don't think it will change much.

I have checked ratebeer for this beer and I have to say that my bottle might be a little out of date as I see a lot of reviews similar to mine but also people talking about a lot more hop flavor. I still stand by my review though.


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