


Amager Bryghus Rugporter Brewery: Amager Bryghus

Type: Porter

Alcohol: 8.5%

Country: Denmark

Here is one off the top 50 list in Denmark. It is also one of the few beers on the list that is not an imperial stout. I don't think I have ever had a rye porter before. This beer is supposed to mimic a nice dark rye bread, like the Danish rugbrød. Let's see how it does.

Pours very very dark with a massive leviathan of a beige head that leaves ridiculous lacing behind. The aroma is an interesting mix of things. I pick up black licorice and dark bitter chocolate right off the bat. This is mixed with a little bit of coffee and smoke then an interesting spicy bread note from the rye.  I can sum this beer up in an incredibly Danish way, it is like eating pålægschokolade on rugbrød! The taste is a fine example of a porter, big roasted malt notes, dark chocolate, dark licorice and strong coffee with an undertone of juicy american citrus hops. The rye in the beer really does something special to the taste. It adds a subtle but very identifiable spicy note to the beer. It really will remind you of rye bread, but maybe a bit sweeter and with nice chocolate notes.  I can sum this beer up in an incredibly Danish way, it is like eating pålægschokolade on rugbrød!

Flying Dog International Arms Race

Flying Dog International Arms Race

