


Beer Here hopfix Brewery: Beer Here

Type: American (rye) IPA

Alcohol: 6.5%

Country: Denmark

Today I had to enter beer styles and categories into a database for a project we are working on. This is tedious work, the only thing that can make it bearable? Beer! What else?

Pours a very cloudy opaque orange color with a giant three plus finger head. The head settles pretty quickly into a creamy scum on top and leaves awesome lacing down the sides. The aroma is spicy and delicious. Floral and citrus hop smell compete with an earthy spiciness from the rye, all together it smells like a freshly peeled orange. The taste is a nice balance between hops and malt. Plenty of bitterness and citrus hops, orange and a bit of grapefruit mixed with a touch of a more piney taste. the rye taste is more subtle, a spicy note in the background you have to work to pick out from the rest. the malt background reminds me of a pumpernickel bread. Imagine that, pumpernickel bread with a hop jam on top. Yum. Decent bitterness, but with a name like "hopfix" I guess it had better. Just as the bottle says, it is a fix for the hop junkie (paraphrasing from Danish). It certainly hit the spot for my habit.



