Gluttony — Rock on Beer Blog

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Amager Gluttony Brewery: Amager

Type: Imperial IPA

Alcohol: 9.4%

Country: Denmark

I brought the next beer in Amager's sinner series along with me on a family camping holiday. Whenever we are on a holiday with my wife's family there is always massive amounts of food at meals, copious amounts of candy and deserts, and of course always unlimited amounts of soda and beer. So I thought what better time to have "Gluttony" then when on vacation.

"At the Amager brewery we are comfortably situated far away from small-town modesty; we are not afraid of excess, and the term “moderation” is simply not found in our vocabulary. To us, gluttony is considered a virtue rather than a sin - at least when it comes to one thing: hops! While making this beer we targeted the hops which shone brightest in our hop room, as if they were almost begging to be used in copious quantities. And that is what we did, as befits a Double IPA of the highest caliber. We have squandered to a sinful degree - and we love it. And we bet that you will too! We’re not proud to be sinners, but at least we’re open about it…"

The beer pours a nice light orange color, but also very cloudy and opaque, looks beatiful in the sunshine. There is a generous fluffy white head that recedes pretty quickly leaving behind lovely lacing along the glass. The nose of this one is all about the hops. Big piney and orange from the citra and amarillo and actually a very floral earthy tone as well. STrikes a nice balance between floral and tropical fruit/citrus hops which is not that common in my opinion. This beer certainly has a complex and interesting smell, hopefully the taste will live up. The taste follows the nose almost exactly. Nice citrus and a little grapefruit up front but defintly dominated by pine and floral hop character. There is a good bit of malt in the aftertaste,nice biscuits and a little caramel but it is balanced perfectly and doesn't take even the slightest bit away from the hops. This is a massively bitter beer, I mean this has got to be in the triple digits of the IBU scale. The mouth numbing bitterness combines with an amazingly dry mouthfeel to make this a really memorable finish. I really enjoyed this beer, even more then the "Pride" imperial stout. It will now join the ranks of Stone's Ruination and Ghandi Bot as one of my all time favorite imperial/double IPAs. I just hope that the rest of the series can live up to these first two beers.


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