5 A.M. Saint — Rock on Beer Blog

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5 A.M. Saint

5 A.M. Saint


Brew Dog 5 A.M. Saint Brewery: Brew Dog

Type: American Amber Ale

Alcohol: 5%

Country: England

I really like this brewery, they make damn good beer and have an irreverent sense of humour. I think this is an important quality in a craft brewer, it is a rebellious activity to fly in the face of normal everyday beer and take a chance trying to make something better. Ok enough preaching here is the review.

I am a fan of amber ales, if they are done right, I can tell you 5 A.M. Saint delivers. It pours out a cloudy ruby read color with a nice foamy tan head. The smell is all citrus hops and nice amber and caramel malts. The taste is really hop heavy for an amber, with those american citrus hops right up front then it gives away to a nice sweet caramel malt and bread like taste. It is pretty bitter, although I like that in this type of beer instead of a more sweet and malt oriented amber. All in all a good beer, I would recommend it if you are a fan of IPAs and want to try something a little different then the normal pale ones.


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