Rogue Imperial Stout — Rock on Beer Blog

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Rogue Imperial Stout

Rogue Imperial Stout


Rogue Imperial Stout Brewery: Rogue

Type: Russian Imperial Stout

Alcohol: 11%

Country: USA

I love finding a nice strong American made Russian imperial stout here. This one is a special treat all the way from Rogue in Oregon. It is a pitch black pour with a healthy two finger dark tan head that stats until the last swallow. Huge malt smell with a background of licorice. The taste is a huge strong coffee and roasted malt right up front with a big licorice aftertaste. Rogue imperial stout will certainly warm you up on a cold day with a big ABV (it was certainly nice today). You don't so much taste the alcohol it is a pleasantly bitter and dry mouthfeel.


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