Snake Dog IPA
Type: IPA
Alcohol: 7.1%
Country: USA
I really like the crazy artwork on the labels of flying dog beers. They literally made a snake dog. This is for sure a brewery with the coolest artwork for their line of beers.Pours a nice clear copper color with a small white head. Head retention is good, it sticks around even after a few good sips. The aroma is sweet caramel malt with a few traces of fruity hops. Not a whole lot going on in the nose department, but full disclosure this is a pretty old bottle. The taste is relatively malty with a nice hoppy bitterness and grapefruit aftertaste. It is nicely carbonated and has a good mouthfeel, very refreshing. I would certainly never be able to tell this beer is 7.1% alcohol, it is totally dangerously drinkable. I am going to reserve final judgement on this one until I can get a fresher bottle or on tap. Until then it is a nice balanced IPA that I could drink a lot of it it was not such a high alcohol.