Raging Bitch Belgian Style IPA — Rock on Beer Blog

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Raging Bitch Belgian Style IPA

Raging Bitch Belgian Style IPA


Flying Dog Raging Bitch Brewery: Flying Dog

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 8.3%

Country: USA

(Small disclaimer the bottle I got was a little out of date. This could have effected the tastes, especially the hoppiness)

Pours a really pretty hazy orange. head is about a finger and very offwhite, it sticks around nicely and there is a good amount of bubbles coming up, a very effervescent beer. There is a floral hop aroma with a nice base of bready malts and just a little hint of spiciness. The taste of the malts actually comes through quite a bit (possibly due to the age). I taste a lot of the caramel malts and a little sweetness. The hop tastes are a little faded but still there, nice citrusy taste and a nice bitter finish. The belgian yeast adds a nice complexity with its fruit and spice characteristics. It has a very dry mouthfeel and a lingering taste of bitterness  and hops. This is only my second ever belgian style IPA but I liked this one a lot more with the american hops in it. I would love to get a fresher bottle and compare, but I can still say this is a damn fine and complex IPA.

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