Rogue American Amber Ale

Rogue American Amber Ale


Rogue American Amber Ale Brewery: Rogue

Type: American Amber Ale

Alcohol: 5.1%

Country: USA

I reviewed this one last year, but I was out and didn't really have a chance to get very in depth. Since today is super bowl Sunday I decided to do a proper review of a really great american amber ale.

Pours a nice dark amber color (nice considering it's name). Minimal head but a creamy little foam that sticks around on top. Huge caramel malt smell with a nice counterbalance of hops. Sweet and grassy aroma that really intrigues you. The taste is very similar, a very malty beer. You can taste smooth caramel and sweet malt balanced nicely by the slight tingle and earthy pine flavor of the hops. This has a silky mouthfeel with very little carbonation. Probably one of the better ambers I have ever had. Very very drinkable, really makes me with it was more widely available here.


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