Leffe Royale

Leffe Royale


Leffe Royale Brewery: InBev Belgium

Type: Belgian Strong pale Ale

Alcohol: 7.5%

Country: Belgium

This bottle of Leffe Royale was given as a house warming gift from my friends Renė and Susanne, so a big thanks to them. Pours a cloudy but still see through orange color. Respectable head that diminishes pretty fast but leaves behind some traces. The smell is rich with bananas and spiciness, a good sign for a belgian beer. There is also a little sweetness mixed into the nose, like toffee. I actually expected a much bigger harsher taste, but instead I got a nice mellow spiciness mixed with a good deal of sweetness. The fruity yeast taste is balanced nicely by a sweet and spiciness. It is a good beer, kind of an upscale version of the leffe blonde. Very drinkable for 7.5%, you can hardly tell.

Rating: 7/10

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