Samichlaus Bier — Rock on Beer Blog

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Samichlaus Bier

Samichlaus Bier


Samichlaus Bier Brewery: Schloss Eggenberg

Type: DoppelBock

Alcohol: 14%

Country: Austria

A bottle of "the worlds strongest lager" from 2005. A rare beer only brewed one day a year, which happens to be the 6th of December or Saint Nicholas Day. Lets see if this present he gave out has aged well. Pours an amber color with no head, just a little white outline around the edge. It is very very thick, like warmed maple syrup. The smell is hot with alcohol and sweetness. The taste follows along, intensely sweet and boozy. It really is quite syrupy, totally coats your mouth in sugary sweetness. I have never had this "Fresh" but I can imagine it would have a strong alcohol taste, this has mellowed out in this 7 year old bottle. There is almost no carbonation present but it does have a little bite on the tongue. This one is hard to rate for me, I am not a fan of high alcohol sweet beers. But this one I can say is by far the most interesting one I have ever had, and of course the oldest.

Rating: 6/10

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