Delirium Nöel — Rock on Beer Blog

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Delirium Nöel

Delirium Nöel


Brouwerij Huyghe Delirium NöelBrewery: Brouwerij Huyghe Type: Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Alcohol: 10%

Country: Belgium

Ok I had to throw a Belgian Christmas beer in here somewhere. I love the delirium beers from Belgium so I was excited when I saw my local beer bar had delirium Nöel, their Christmas beer on tap. It is a nice dark amber color with a fruit and spice smell. Smells like a regular Christmas beer except for a much more fruity overtone bars geriatric to Belgian beers. The taste is surprisingly balanced for a 10% alcohol beer (something I have also come to expect from Belgian beers). It is much fruitier the. Danish Christmas beers, without the strong spicy notes. There is a strange licorice and banana taste, which I don't like either of those flavors, but here it is nice. I still like the normal delirium better but this is an interesting Christmas beer that tastes different then the norm.


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