Edelweiss Snowfresh — Rock on Beer Blog

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Edelweiss Snowfresh

Edelweiss Snowfresh


Edelweiss Snowfresh Brewery: Hofbräu Kaltenhausen

Type: Hefeweizen

Alcohol: 5%

Country: Austria

First off this is the first beer I have EVER boughtin Europe with a twist cap. Don't start down this road...it leads to the dark side. Pours a very very cloudy orange color, there was a ton of yeast and other solids in the bottle too. Decent size fluffy white head that hangs out as a fine scum of top of the beer. Intense banana smell with a little spicieness underneath, pretty standard hefe. The taste is very very fruity, banana fruity of course. It is a pretty sweet beer but highly carbonated which saves it a little.  This is everything I don't like about a hefeweizen, very strong banana flavor backed up with a big wheat malt sweetness. This beer does taste very crisp and fresh, especially ice cold as I am drinking it. Would like to grab the original and compare.  If you love this about hefes then you are going to like this beer. I know this is a good beer for the style, but not up my alley.


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