Pale Fire — Rock on Beer Blog

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Pale Fire

Pale Fire

Pressure Drop Pale Fire
Pressure Drop Pale Fire

Brewery: Pressure Drop

Type: Pale Ale

Alcohol: 4.8%

Country: England

Pressure drop, a small brewery in London. A small brewery I have smuggled back to the land of Denmark. Precious space in my suitcase was taken up by this bottle...seriously precious when you consider I was flying with Ryanair (assholes). So why did I take a chance on a little brewery not well known in these parts? Well I was recommended this beer by the bottle shop guy, though if you read my last review you know that's nothing to friggin count on. beyond that I love trying beer from small local breweries. I like the concept of local nano breweries making quality beer. Pressure drop and their "3 blokes in a railway arch" seem to fit this perfectly. So their pale ale made it to the suitcase of honor to be brought to the promised land to be reviewed by an American in Denmark in his spare bedroom with a camera and an ipad. If you are reading this Pressure Drop, you are welcome.

Pours out a fine dark yellow color, not too dark bt not too light. Real nice pale ale color in my opinion. Pale Fire is a beer that changes with the whims of the brewers. Sometimes they hop it with mosaic citra...sometimes Amarillo citra...sometimes Nelson and something called hop x which sounds like a bitter member of a mutant superhero team. So I have no way of knowing really which hops are in here. From the smell I am leaning toward Amarillo and citra...although maybe Nelson??? Oh man it's going to drive me crazy. It has a pronounced fruitiness up front with lots of citrus, and tropical type stuff but it quickly melds into a certain dank resin type aroma. This is a good hop aroma for a pale ale, really refreshing and makes you want to dive in. Which I shall. The taste is a bit different, with that dank resin and floral hint flavor taking over the taste. Definite notes of citrus though throughout. to be! Curse your random hops pressure drop!!! Has a good high bitterness on the finish, quite high in fact, maybe more suitable to an IPA, but not too distracting here. Malt flavors are kept in balance with lots of hops and only seem to provide a bready base.The body is actually really really nice for a beer sitting at only 4.8%. Medium with high carbonation it really help this beers drinkability as it solves that low alcohol beer wateriness issue. Overall a really nice pale ale and a great introduction to this brewery. It earns all eight of these caps with its damn fine aroma and really good mouthfeel. Can't quite remember what I paid for it, but I would be happy to pay it again.

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