Liberty Ale — Rock on Beer Blog

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Liberty Ale

Liberty Ale


Anchor Brewing Co. Liberty Ale Brewery: Anchor Brewing Co.

Type: American IPA

Alcohol: 5.9%

Country: USA

Picked this up when my local supermarket was doing an american craft brew week. Those events are usually hard on my wallet, but at least it was worth it for these beers. This is a true american IPA, even having been first brewed to celebrate paul revere's ride. It pours a nice hazy orangish yellow color with a very small head. The aroma is floral and the smell of really nice hops. The flavor is what I have come to expect of a really well done IPA. Nice burst of citrus right up front that gives way to a great hoppy flavor and a very very mild bitterness. This is going to move up into my top IPA list.

Rating: 8/10

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