Goose Island India Pale Ale

Goose Island India Pale Ale


Goose Island India Pale Ale Brewery: Goose Island

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 5.9%

Country: USA

Pours out a very hazy opaque orangish color. Very minimal head, was not expecting that. Aroma is quite malty and sweet with a decent amount of floral and citrus hop notes. The taste is much more delicate then most IPAs, more  a british style then an aggressive american IPA. Not overly bitter but the hop flavor is certainly there. Good grapefruit and earthy taste backed up by a subtle malt character. This is what I would call a standard template for an older style IPA. A nice mix and balance of caramel maltiness and floral and citrus hops. If you are looking for big hop monsters or crazy complexity, it is not here. This is the kind of beer I like to just sit back with and enjoy regularly instead of as a special occasion or "have to try" beer.

(Author Note: This beer was bought off the shelf already out of date. This may have effected the taste)

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