Blog Party (Beck's)

Blog Party (Beck's)


Beck's Blog Party Brewery: Brauerei Beck

Type: German Pilsner

Alcohol: 4.8%

Country: Germany

I often joke with my friends that I am not drinking tons of beer, I am simply "blogging". Thats why when my wife's cousin saw this in the store he couldn't resist buying it for me as a joke.

Pours out golden grassy yellow with a big rapidly dissipating white head. Aromoa of hops with an underlying skunky pilsner smell. Typical pilsner taste, sweet malt with quite a bit of bitterness. This does have a relatively unique taste, much more so then most pilsners. I remember the first time I had it was in Italy (I had tried local pilsners, not impressed). So I bought a six pack of this beer in the supermarket. At least 4 of those beers are probably still in an Italian landfill somewhere. So that little story probably tells you how much I like this beer. Maybe it is to your tastes, I will admit it is different then most pilsners. For me though...i am glad i just have to "blog" it this time.

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