Evil Twin / Westbrook Mini Growler — Rock on Beer Blog

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Evil Twin / Westbrook Mini Growler

Evil Twin / Westbrook Mini Growler


Evil Twin and Westbrook Mini Growler

Brewery: Evil Twin/Westbrook

Type: Imperial Stout

Alcohol: 12%

Country: Denmark/USA

This one is on my top 50 beers list for Denmark. Saw it on a craft beer site in Hungary and had to order it. I love imperial stouts. Luckily for me the top 50 beers in Denmark list holds no shortage of imperials for me to try. This one is certainly worthy of its spot. Worth the long trip it had to take to get to me too.

Pours absolutely pitch black, zero light gets through this monster. Zilch in the head department. Little bit of deep tan foam clinging in a ring around the edge of the beer, but nothing other then that. The nose is huge, lot of sharp alcohol, dark dark roasted malts, and a little bit of chocolate. Man this stuff is thick, certainly a full mouth feel. The taste is huge and complex, even more so then your average imperial stout. Huge bitter roasted malts and chocolate. There is also a lot of coffee, rich creamy, and bitter. There is a little bit of licorice/anise mixed into the background, but not so it bothers you if, like me, you don't like licorice. This is my favorite kind of imperial stout, huge and robust with a lot of bitter coffee taste. There is more then a little smoke in here too. It lends a nice mysteriousness to the taste. There is actually a nice hop bitterness to this beer, I mean usually a beer like this doesn't have any hoppiness, but the bite is there for sure. More then a little alcohol burn in here too. I mean at 12% it is hard to hide, but not nearly distracting. The long lingering bitterness of everything really brings it all together, and helps to hide that alcohol burn. This is a massive imperial stout that is right in my wheelhouse, now if you will excuse me i am going to pass out from drinking this giant bottle.

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