Brodtgaard Basement Reserve — Rock on Beer Blog

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Brodtgaard Basement Reserve

Brodtgaard Basement Reserve


Pladderballe Bryghus Brodtgaard basement Reserve Brewery: Pladderballe Bryghus

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 6%

Country: Denmark

Pours out a golden kind of burnt orange color. Nice big lingering off white head and very bubbly all around. Aroma is of grassy and citrus hops and a decent amount of bready malts. Taste is much the same, bitter hops taste with a just the mear shadow of citrus. Very muddled in the hop characteristic. You get the sweet malt taste if you hold onto the beer long enough. Medium body with an actually pleasant amount of dryness. I know a lot of reviewers get down on this beer. I am not going to say it is ground breaking, I agree wholeheartedly with others that it is a pretty boring and standard beer. But it breaks through to a six rating because it is a decent beer for a cheap price.

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