Atwater Vanilla Java Porter
Brewery: Atwater Brewery
Type: Porter
Alcohol: 5.5%
Country: USA
So a short story about this beer. I bought a bottle several years ago, based solely on the fact I love coffee, vanilla, and porters. Now I brought this bottle back to Denmark with me from Michigan, because I never got the chance to try it. Well it got lost in the shuffle of a move, and by the time it surfaced again it was quite far past its sell by date. Because of it's low alcohol content I poured it down the drain, knowing it wouldn't be worth reviewing. So when I was again in Michigan I made sure to grab a bottle in order to give it a proper go. This will be the last Atwater beer I ever buy.
Pours very dark brown, little to no head and what little there is disappears faster then a bud light at a frat party. The smell is lackluster, little roasted malt little sweetness. The taste is relatively exactly what it says on the label. Sweet almost artificial vanilla flavor backed up by some roasted barley that kind of mimics coffee. The worst part about it though is the body. There is basically none. It is like someone replaced the beer with black water, because that is what it tastes like, roasted barley and vanilla extract water. I should have known to stay away from atwater, but I am a sucker for these beers. I regret wasting space those years ago and regret even more spending more money on such a crap beer. Never again.