Under Dog Atlantic Lager — Rock on Beer Blog

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Under Dog Atlantic Lager

Under Dog Atlantic Lager


Flying Dog Under Dog Atlantic Lager Brewery: Flying Dog

Type: Lager

Alcohol: 4.7%

Country: USA

Pours out a clear yellow color with a nice fluffy white head. The smell is a pretty standard lager smell, grassy and sweet with a bit of malt and a tiny hop aroma. The taste is very similar, little pale malt and noble hops. The hops come out a little bit more then a normal lager but it still tastes quite a bit similar to I would say,ummm, every other light lager in the whole world. While it is crisp and refreshing, i can't say i enjoy it any more then any other of the decent lager brands that are quite a bit less expensive. Anyway don't listen to me I am an ale snob, try this one for yourself.

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