Svaneke Choko Stout — Rock on Beer Blog

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Svaneke Choko Stout

Svaneke Choko Stout


Svaneke Choko Stout Brewery: Bryghuset Svaneke

Type: Milk Stout

Alcohol: 5.7%

Country: Denmark

Picked this up when I noticed it on the shelf at the local supermarket. Must be a new offering from Svaneke. I like my stouts with either a very pronounced chocolate or coffee flavor, so I was excited about this one. Pours black (a good sign for a stout) with a minimal tan head that leaves the party early and never comes back. The smell is very very sweet, all chcolate and vanilla notes. The taste, well the first thing I have to say is VANILLA! The taste was so pronounced to me I actually stopped this review and went to look it up on the internet. I was not the only one who found this flavor a bit overpowering, the common complaint of most people was the artificial taste. This really does taste like drinking something with vanilla and chocolate extract in it (heavy on the vanilla). You get a little bit of the roasty malts but it is literally just hammering you with vanilla and chocolate taste. Yes it does taste very artificial, like a cheap american snack cake (oh childhood). I am not sure how to feel about this beer. It is not terrible per se, but it is very artificial tasting. Like they wanted to brew a big chocolatey beer, but instead pf doing it the natural (and of course expensive way) they used some chemical process. I am going to just be undecided on this, mostly so I don't put any more comments in parentheses.



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