Mangofeber — Rock on Beer Blog

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Brewski Mango feber Brewery: Brewski

Type: Imperial/Double IPA

Alcohol: 8%

Country: Sweden

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding one of Sweden's newest breweries, Brewski, and their beer Mango Feber. It's like an epidemic on facebook and instagram, people coming down with terrible mango fevers, which cause them to post rave reviews of this beer and unashamed pleas of more please! Strange...I am actually starting to feel a bit feverish myself. I opened the bottle and all of a sudden my head started to buzz and my fingers couldn't keep off the keyboard.

The Diagnosis

The beer pours a fine light orange color, bang on for a west coast style hop bomb double IPA. Huge white head blankets this light liquid and starts perfuming the air with the smell of impending fruit fever. Pine and pineapple (no relation) dominate the nose  with an intoxicating give and take of dankness and bright tropical notes. Sneaking around in the background are the mango peach type smells hinting at the hop complexity of this super strain hop combo with the fruit mutation that leads to a pandemic in the nose. The taste seals your fate with a 100% risk of mango feber. The taste is all upfront fruit, this beer is about mainlining hops and fruit flavor directly to your tastebuds, and it succeeds big time. Huge taste of mango and pineapple with the added pine bite that blends into the bitterness to balance the fruit really well. This is a genius combo of hops with the fruit juice amarillo and the dank citrus of mosaic which both seem brightened by the addition of a bright tropical fruit like mango. I know they have brewed a pineapple version as well. That will be really interesting to see if it intensifies the pineapple flavors already in the beer. Malt is just an afterthought here, only serving as a foundation for the hop temple that sits upon it. Little to no flavor from the malts, a true hopbomb in that way. The bitterness is not extremely high here, just enough to balance the beer and help keep that fruit in line. The body is super dry and carbonation pretty high, just about the perfect level for a DIPA in my opinion. The drinkability is off the charts, you will not even notice the 8% ABV in the taste, only when you stand up and the room starts spinning. This beer lived up to the hype and even surpassed it in my mind. I can't wait to get my hand on some more beer from this brewery in the future. Mangofeber is one fever I would be happy to have anytime.

The Video Review

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