Krenkerup Stout — Rock on Beer Blog

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Krenkerup Stout

Krenkerup Stout


Krenkerup Stout Brewery: Krenkerup

Type: Stout

Alcohol: 5.3%

Country: Denmark

Pours black into the glass with a tiny tan head that quickly dissipates  The smell is a distinct malt but it is not very distinct. The taste is where the real left turn comes in. A really heavy sweetness just overpowers everything. I can taste just a small amount of chocolate malt and roasted coffee, but it is totally buried by the cloying sweetness. There is also a very yeasty bready taste that while not unpleasant, is not balanced in the taste. I really can't get over how sweet this stout is, totally ruins the whole thing. Had higher hopes for this beer.


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