ØPA (Ørbæk Pale ALe) — Rock on Beer Blog

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ØPA (Ørbæk Pale ALe)

ØPA (Ørbæk Pale ALe)


Ørbæk ØPA

Happy #IPADay

Brewery: Ørbæk

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 5%

Country: Denmark

Decided to pick up a few IPAs to celebrate #IPADay. I was not a huge fan of the IPA before I started getting more into beer. Now I am starting to change my tune. This IPA is a pretty standard tasting one to get started on. Not too strong a hop smell but a nice kick in the taste. Not as insanely bitter as you would expect and actually the bite is nice and refreshing. It is a characteristic of an english IPA as it is not as insanely hoppy as some I have had from the US.

Bombay Pale Ale

Bombay Pale Ale

