Fuller’s Brewer’s Reserve Limited Edition No 2 Oak Aged Ale Cognac — Rock on Beer Blog

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Fuller’s Brewer’s Reserve Limited Edition No 2 Oak Aged Ale Cognac

Fuller’s Brewer’s Reserve Limited Edition No 2 Oak Aged Ale Cognac


Fullers Reserve no. 2 Cognac Edition Brewery: Fuller's

Type: English Strong Ale

Alcohol: 8.2%

Country: England

Pours a semi opaque dark orange with little to nothing in the way if head. The nose is spicy but not as much as I thought it would be. Caramel malt sweetness makes it through the spicy cognac aroma. A rich caramel amber ale with a big sweetness subtly balanced by a spicy boozy cognac taste. Nice rounded smooth oak taste makes it a nice drinking beer. Kind if a higher carbonation bite then I expected. Nice lingering mouthfeel, good beer.

I would say you should serve this relatively warm (11-14 degrees C). Like a cognac it gets more spicy and complex as it warms.

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