Crooked Tree IPA
Brewery: Dark Horse
Type: IPA
Alcohol: 6%
Country: USA
This beer was first tapped on the last day of the pale ale festival at Christian Firtals in Odense. I didn't get a chance to get down there that day so I decided to take a chance and come a few days later after work. Thankfully it was still there. This IPA really reminds me of home. If I was a millionaire I would sit here and drink the whole keg. Sadly I will have to settle for just a pint (maybe two)
Pours a dark opaque orangish color with a thick white head, about two fingers. The foam dissapates quickly but leaves a lot of lacing and foamy bits clinging to the sides. The smell is piney and light citrus. Really reminds me of a two hearted ale, thats how I know I am going to like the taste too. This is a big piney hoppy beer. Very bitter balance of pine and floral taste with an almost orange peel and grapefruit type citrus sneaking into the finish. The malt is also there, subtle small bread notes but almost no sweetness at all. Very dry mouthfeel with a mouth buzzing bitterness that hangs around. This is a beer that worships hops and it is certainly worthy of it's place as one of Michigan's top IPAs. I will always love two hearted, but unless Bell's starts distributing to Denmark soon this one can certainly wear at their place in my heart.