

Brewery: Fanø Type: Imperial Porter

Alcohol: 9.2%

Country: Denmark

This is kind of a sad beer, it is a farewell to Fanø bryghus's American brewmaster. I remember hearing that they had an American leading the brewery when I used to live in nearby Esbjerg. I thought it was so cool that I would start to see some heavily American influenced beers start to appear locally. Unfourtunatly it did not last long, but if you have to go, this is the kind of beer to go out on.

Pours black as night with an at least two finger head. The smell is of deeply roasted malts, strong coffee, and a nice hop bouquet. The taste is great, I can honestly say this is one of my favorite imperials I have ever had. Not a trace of the high alcohol can be found, it is all just full malt flavor. Big bitter chocolate flavor up front which gives way to a roasted coffee and pleasant bitter aftertaste.

Fuller's London Pride

Fuller's London Pride