Spontan tripleblueberry

Spontan tripleblueberry


Mikkeller Spontan Triple Blueberry

Brewery: Mikkeller

Type: Lambic Style-Fruit

Alcohol: 1%

Country: Denmark

So this was Mikkeller's gimmick beer made for the festival. A blueberry version of their spontan lambic series, made using blueberries. Not just some blueberries, like the original version. Not a lot of blueberries like the special double edition. This version used what can only be described as "a shit ton" of blueberries. If you want to get all sciency about it, 1500 grams of blueberries were used per liter of beer. Now I was never good at math (ask my high school algebra teacher) but that is a crazy ratio of blueberry to actual alcoholic beverage. So what did I think of this blueberry bonanza? Read on.

Pours a crazy purple color, I mean you would not be able to tell the difference between this and just blueberry juice. Has a viscosity seldom seen in beer, like swirling syrup in the glass. No real head to speak of, although whatever side of the glass this beer touches it stains a deep purplish red color. Going to need whitening strips after drinking this. The smell is muted berry sweetness and slightly oxidized semi sour beer notes. The taste is more intensely acidic then I expected. Quite a lot of blueberry, it's hard to find the beer in here. It just generally didn't do it for me. I mean it was decently tart, but just seemed like a glass of squeezed blueberries with a few drops of the lemon juice from that yellow plastic bottle. One note and gimmicky. Just didn't impress me as much as some of the other sour beers at the festival, especially ones from breweries not known for their sours. Probably one of the more disappointing beers of CBC 2014.

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