Mikkeller Mexas Ranger Tequila Edition — Rock on Beer Blog

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Mikkeller Mexas Ranger Tequila Edition

Mikkeller Mexas Ranger Tequila Edition


Mikkeller Mexas Ranger Tequila Edition Brewery: Mikkeller

Type: Spice/Herb/Vegetable

Alcohol: 6.6%

Country: Denmark

This was kind of an impulse buy when seen on the bottle list. Had never had the original mexas ranger, that experience came much later, be sure to read that one. So long story short on mexas ranger it  is a spiced porter based on Mexican flavors. So it makes perfect sense to age it in the quintessential Mexican liquor, tequila. Tequila barrel aged beers are a bit less common, at least here, so this was a must try. I especially enjoy trying these special edition barrel aged beers when I have a friend with me to share the experience (and the price!). I can say with certainty that neither of us regretted our decision.

Pours dark, thick and mysterious. Has a decent little tan head on top for a little while before it surrenders to the depths. The smell is all tequila, just big biting tequila smell. The sharp bite is added to a little by they latitude of spices in this beer, but there is no mistaking what this beer is all about. Now after saying that I have to say the taste is amazingly balanced. I expected the tequila to take over the taste, like the nose. In reality it is very delicate. The tequila is of course front and center, but this is no cheap tequila burn, this is the smoothest clearest tequila from the highest shelf in the cantina. But is tequila the only thing in this beer? Of course not! The ingredient list reads like an authentic Mexican restaurant grocery list. Mexican chocolate, masa, 5 kinds of chilies...avocado leaves! It goes on. You can get the chocolate for sure, smoke is totally gone, but all the other spices come together to make a totally crazy taste that really complements the hot but smooth tequila. No real chilis or hotness to soeak of, but i dont miss it. Thin mouth feel but smooth smooth going down. Completely recommended, and I am usually not a fan of spiced beers like this. My favorite by a wide margin.


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Mikkeller Mexas Ranger

Mikkeller Mexas Ranger