Marston's Oyster Stout — Rock on Beer Blog

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Marston's Oyster Stout

Marston's Oyster Stout


Marston's Oyster Stout Brewery: Marston

Type: Milk Stout

Alcohol: 4.5%

Country: England

I was a little hesitant about this one, as I can't stand oysters. (they look like snot, don't eat that) But I googled around and was satisfied there were no shellfish in this can. Pours black with a slight red color apparent when held up to the light. It had an ok tan head that dissipated quickly and left little trace. The smell is kind of boring, a little roast and coffee, tiny bit of cocoa not very impressive. The taste is not as sweet as I thought it would be from a milk stout. It tastes more like a dry irish stout, with a hint of something odd. There is a smooth dark malt taste, that little hint of chcolate is there. There is also a weird salty taste (oysters!). There is a trace of english hop bitterness but mostly it is very dry, yet still smooth. Not bad...if a little bland.


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