Inversion IPA — Rock on Beer Blog

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Inversion IPA

Inversion IPA


Deschutes Inversion IPA

Brewery: Deschutes Brewery

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 6.8%

Country: USA

My last Descutes beer in the fridge. A sad day has come. I checked the supermarket chain I bought them at, and the supply has dried up. So this could be my last one for quite some time. Hopefully I saved the best for last!

Pours a deep amber color, very opaque, not a huge head but decent size white and fizzy. Not too much hoppiness in the nose. A lot of caramel malt and bready notes, little sharp alcohol sting. Tiny bit of pine hops sneaks in to the nostrils, but faint. The hops are there in the taste, big grapefruit and bigger pine. These combined always tastes like bubble gum to me for some reason. Also a good deal of malt in this one. Heavy bread flavors are rounded out by a decent bitter finish and a lasting "bubble gum" hop flavor. Decently dry and light mouthfeel. A pretty good IPA, but not exactly what I am looking for in an IPA.

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