Guinness Extra Stout — Rock on Beer Blog

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Guinness Extra Stout

Guinness Extra Stout


Guinness Extra Stout Brewery: Guinness

Type: Irish Dry Stout

Alcohol: 6%

Country: Ireland

So when I decided to do a week of stouts I had to include a Guinness review. I believe the Guinness experience can only be had from a cold pint poured on draught. So I have decided to do a review of Guinness extra stout, the foreign export edition. This pours like its namesake a deep dark almost impenetrable black color with a giant tan head that you could write your name in. It has a roasted malt smell mixed with a subtle sweetness. The taste is where it really differs from a Guiness draught. Where draught is silky smooth and creamy with a lite roasted quality, this one is far more complex and has a much bigger malt taste. The taste is almost like a sort of dark fruit mixed with bitter chocolate and coffee with a bite in the end from the carbonation. This beer tastes a lot more carbonated then a normal guinness which really takes away from the smooth and creamy taste you usually associate with a Guinness. I can say without a doubt that Guinness is my favorite macro beer, and this is a nice twist on the flavor. I would certainly like to drink this more then the fake draught from the canned version. Worth picking up if you can't get to the pub.


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