Dark Force — Rock on Beer Blog

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Dark Force

Dark Force


Haandbryggeriet Dark Force Brewery: Haandbryggeriet

Type: Imperial Stout

Alcohol: 8.5%

Country: Norway

Recently my local beer store started to get in a large selection of Norwegian craft beers. I have not had a lot of beers by the likes of Haandbryggeriet or Nøgne Ø, so I was intrigued. I have heard a lot about Dark Force stout, an imperial wheat stout, so I am really looking forward to trying it.

Pours ultra midnight dark, as any good imperial stout should. The small but persistent head is a great shade of tan. Aroma has hints of licorice and smoke, with dark malt and sweet sweet wheat. The taste and the mouthfeel are where this beer really stands apart. Starts out as standard imperial stout taste, nice roasted malts, dark chcocolate, a pretty present dark licorice/anise taste as it warms, and a nice espresso coffee finish. Also a little taste of smoke and ash in there, it adds a nice complexity to the taste. A little bit of hop bite somewhere far back in the taste but it is more like a bitter coffee and chocolate then an earthy hop taste. The wheat adds a subtle sweetness and smoothness to this beer. This is a pretty big beer, 8.5% is no small grain bill. The wheat gives what would be a pretty full heavy mouthfeel a belvety oilyness that really makes this beer a joy to drink. As it warms the licorice comes through a bit more and puts me off just slightly. This is an imperial stout I would drink pretty cold. If you are looking to shake up your imperial stout, this is the place to start.

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