Bam Biere — Rock on Beer Blog

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Bam Biere

Bam Biere


Jolly Pumpkin Bam Biere

Brewery: Jolly Pumpkin

Type: Saison

Alcohol: 4.5%

Country: USA

This was one I had to pick up while I was back in Michigan. I see Jolly Pumpkin for sale, at a steep price, in some of the best beer shops in Denmark. The price is slightly less steep in Michigan. I have heard their beers lauded by many sour beer enthusiasts. I remembered when I learned they were from Michigan, I couldn't believe I had never even tried any of their highly regarded beers before. So on my never ending quest to find some sour/wild ales that truly blow my mind I grabbed Bam Biere and it's slightly darker version Bam Noire. Having a tasting with my brother who doesn't think he has ever tried a beer in this style before. Should be interesting.

Pours a bright hay yellow but almost completely opaque and cloudy. The bottle almost fizzed up over the neck before I could pour the first glass. The head is tall and vigorous but not long lasting. It fizzes out quickly into a little film on the top of the yellow liquid. Smooth but super funky smell, very standard farmhouse ale nose. Apples in a barn are how I would describe what the smell reminds me of. The taste is very brett, not overly aggressive, but yeah it is for sure the dominant flavor here. Definite touch of fruitiness and spice in the background of the funk from the hops. Nice round woodiness and even a bit of bite from those hops. The hops interest me the most. It is supposed to be dry hopped, which helps to add a little more dimension to the taste. The only annoying thing is the massive carbonation of the beer overall. Because of the refermenting in the bottle it seems the beer builds up a lot of carbonation. You get a big bite on the finish, which is crisp, but slightly distracting from the overall taste. I know this is a staple of the style but it just bothers me. Mouthfeel is low and dry, typical for this kind of beer, but insanely easy to drink. This is probably one of the best farmhouse/saison type ales for my personal tastes. The flavors are interesting and more complex then just simple yeast characteristics. Also hops, how can those not add something to any style of beer! (I will probably get in trouble for that statement)

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